It’s Raining Salt: Toxic Aral Sea Storm Sparks Health Fears In Central Asia
June 1, 2022
It’s Raining Salt: Toxic Aral Sea Storm Sparks Health Fears In Central Asia. A storm that hit Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on May 27 covered everything with a layer of salt and made local farmers worry about their crops and doctors worry about residents’ health. Large parts of western Uzbekistan and northern Turkmenistan are recovering from a severe salt storm that has damaged agriculture and livestock herds.
Salt storms are becoming new reality in Karakalpakstan and causing respiratory diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis. Salt storms successfully defeated before 1990th. Negligence of Government of Uzbekistan created dangerous living environment not only for people of Karakalpakstan but also for all neighbor countries.
Courtesy: Youtube, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty
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