Eduction, Research, Documentation and Intervention
ICR has been conducting educational programs for international students for the past several years. ICR was a country partner of International Honors Program (IHP) for several of its programmes in India. The academic programmes of ICR are intend to examine how the human consequences of development are being addressed to meet the challenge of maintaining a just and sustainable world. The programmes are also aimed at understanding the impacts of the state’s policies and laws on communities and how they are often used to exploit natural resources and displace communities who are otherwise been dependant on them.
Intercultural Resources also engages in research on issues related to unjust development, environment, climate change, trade, social movements and peoples struggles. The main objective of its research and documentation programmes are to create opinions on policies and laws and in what context and how they are formed and how these policies exacerbate global inequalities. ICR aims at disseminating information to help create awareness through various platforms.
ICR is also actively engaged in mobilizing campaigns or create a platform where alternate opinions could be formed. It also participates and co-operates with other civil society groups and social movement groups to lobby, campaign and produce information for public use.