Syria officers and troops defect to Turkey - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
OnSyria officers and troops defect to Turkey - Middle East - Al Jazeera English.
Syria officers and troops defect to Turkey - Middle East - Al Jazeera English.
IPS – Biofuels and Hunger, Two Sides of the Same Coin | Inter Press Service.
IPS – Presidential Showdown Brings Egypt to the Brink | Inter Press Service.
IPS – Bringing People “Back to Life” in Uganda’s Slums | Inter Press Service.
Asia: ASEAN Human Rights Declaration Draft Ignores Rights Of Indigenous Peoples.
At the Rio+20 global summit, indigenous people unveiled their own solutions to the climate crisis via International: Rio 20 - Indigenous People Unveil Own Solutions.
Final summary of the Rio +20 Conference on Indigenous Peoples on Self-Determination and Sustainable Development via International: Summary Of Rio 20 International Conference Of Indigenous Peoples On Self-Determination And Sustainable Development. Consumer prices decreased month-on-month in May for the first time since statistics were available, Cambodia‘s National Institute of Statistics (NIS) data showed. Women buy meat at an open-air market in Phnom Penh earlier this month. After a steep price increase earlier… On orders of the “Angkar”, shortly before April 17, 1975, Khiev Neou, a monk of more than 20 years, was marched out of his pagoda and disrobed, he told the Khmer Rouge tribunal yesterday. Buddhist monks enter the Khmer Rouge tribunal…
Makati bans use of polystrene, plastic bags.