Projects of ICR


ICR has been conducting diverse educational programs for international students for the past several years. It has been a country partner and an associate of International Honors Program, US for many of its programs in India. Fieldwork based educational activities of ICR are community oriented programs are meant to encourage student interaction with various communities who confront  social, political, economic and environmental issues as a result of development projects. Fieldwork and community sites selected as program sites are often contested areas and are meant to help students to understand the realities of the impacts of development and how they affect communities living in the periphery.


Intercultural Resources has been engaged in research on development issues and peoples struggles. Non-governmental organisations often play a vital role to create opinions on policies and laws and in what context and how they are formed. Civil society organisations also help in understanding the impacts of these policies and laws on communities and they the state and its agencies use them to perpetually to exploit natural resources and displace communities who are otherwise been dependant on them. As a resarch and intervention oriented organisation ICR undertakes activities to understand how these policies exacerbate global inequalities and help create awareness about their impacts, through various platforms. The state policies are often co-opted by corporate interests.

A a research organisation ICR engages or support to mobilise campaigns or create a platform where alternate opinions could be formed. It also participates and co-operates with other civil society groups and movement groups to lobby, campaign and produce information for public use. It also cooperates with other academic researchers and organisations who are engaged in similar exercises in an effort to  find new forms of engagements.

Documentation and Intervention

The purpose of the intervention is to provide a space for dialogues between different players in society viz., the state, communities, civil society organisations and peoples' movements. ICR intervenes in such situations, either on its own or participate and support other civil society organisations and communities to engage in dialogue with the state and its agencies. ICR's interventions range from participation in protests and dissenting voices, campaigns, the use of social media and the internet to disseminate information. 


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